PRESS RELEASE: Better Solutions For Healthcare Endorses Bipartisan Effort in Senate to End Dishonest Hospital Billing
Better Solutions For Healthcare Endorses Bipartisan Effort in Senate to End Dishonest Hospital Billing Momentum Builds For Reining in Corporate Hospital Systems, Addressing Healthcare Affordability Crisis WASHINGTON, DC – (June 13, 2023) – Better Solutions for Healthcare, a national coalition of business and healthcare industry leaders, is urging Congress to advance the SITE Act, bipartisan legislation […]
PRESS RELEASE: Better Solutions for Healthcare Endorses Bipartisan Legislation to Crack Down on Dishonest Hospital Billing
Better Solutions for Healthcare Endorses Bipartisan Legislation to Crack Down on Dishonest Hospital Billing WASHINGTON, DC – (May 24, 2023) – Better Solutions for Healthcare, a national coalition of business and healthcare industry leaders, announced its official endorsement of bipartisan legislation introduced by Reps. Kevin Hern (R-OK) and Annie Kuster (D-NH) to ensure honest billing […]
PRESS RELEASE: New Survey of Americans Shows Demand for an End to Unreasonable and Alarming Hospital Price Markups
New Survey of Americans Shows Demand for an End to Unreasonable and Alarming Hospital Price Markups As U.S. House Takes Aim at Hospital Practices Yet Again, Poll Shows Nearly 80% of Voters Believe Hospital Prices Are Rising to Unreasonable Levels; Hospital Prices Rank as Most Unreasonable in Healthcare WASHINGTON, DC – (May 16, 2023) – […]
PRESS RELEASE: Better Solutions For Healthcare Endorses Bipartisan Healthy Competition for Better Care Act
Coalition of Leading Employer Groups Applauds Renewed Effort to Crack Down on Anti-Competitive Practices and Increase Transparency in Hospitals and Health Systems “It is Critical That We Take Action to Create a More Honest and Transparent System That Will Bring Down Costs for Patients and Businesses Alike” WASHINGTON, DC – (May 8, 2023) – Better […]
A New Era of Scrutiny for American Hospitals
American hospitals are entering a new era of scrutiny. Today, four separate House committees are holding hearings focused on hospital practices and the impact bad actors have on increased costs for patients and employers alike. Once unthinkable, these hospital practices are now squarely in Congress’ focus, with patients and policymakers increasingly opening their eyes to […]
Hospital Grievances
America spends more on healthcare than any other developed nation, accounting for $4.1 trillion in spending each year, or nearly 20% of gross domestic product. As healthcare costs continue their upward trajectory, Americans are calling for solutions to address the driving forces behind price increases year over year. These price increases have real consequences for […]
Fighting Skyrocketing Hospital Prices, Leading Employer Groups Join Better Solutions for Healthcare to Launch National Campaign
Aimed at Stopping the Rise of Hospital-driven Health Costs Borne by Employers and Patients, Coalition Sets its Sights on Federal Policymakers WASHINGTON, DC – (April 18, 2023) – Better Solutions for Healthcare, a coalition of business and healthcare industry leaders, has added national employers and healthcare industry players as it launches its federally focused campaign. […]
Our Principles
Competition, Transparency, Accountability The majority of healthcare spending is driven by monopolistic hospital systems. To lower costs, we need effective market-based solutions that increase competition in local markets, drive efficiency in the delivery of healthcare, and inform patients about the cost and quality of care received. We support strengthening market competition, so hospitals compete on […]
As hospitals raise their prices, U.S. workers and businesses suffer
Despite a recent taxpayer-subsidized boon, the hospital industry spent the last several months lobbying for additional federal dollars amid warnings about the continued spread of Covid-19 and inflation’s impact on the nation’s health care system. Those efforts bore fruit: Medicare recently granted hospitals the largest price increase since 1998. Never mind that the supply chain challenges and […]
Analysis: Inconsistencies Within Hospital Price Transparency Data Make Cost Comparisons Difficult
Since 2021, federal law has required hospitals to publicly post information about their standard prices and negotiated discount rates for common health services to encourage consumers to compare prices and to promote competition. To date, however, the transparency data currently shared by hospitals to comply with the law are messy, inconsistent and confusing, making it […]