NBC News: Cancer patients often charged exorbitant fees for parking

By Rebecca Ritzel May 15, 2021 For cancer patients, the road from diagnosis to survivorship feels like a never-ending parade of medical appointments: surgeries, blood work, chemotherapy, radiation treatments, scans. The routine is time-consuming and costly. So, when hospitals charge patients double-digit parking fees, patients often leave the garage demoralized. Iram Leon vividly remembers the […]

New York Times: Buoyed by Federal Covid Aid, Big Hospital Chains Buy Up Competitors

By Reed Abelson May 21, 2021 Billions of dollars in Covid aid cushioned financial losses caused by the pandemic at some of the nation’s largest hospital chains. But those bailouts also helped sustain the big chains’ spending sprees as they expanded even more by scooping up weakened competitors and doctors’ practices. More consolidation by several […]

AXIOS Vitals: Cost of care creeps with consolidation

By Caitlin Owens May 4, 2021 Two studies released yesterday in Health Affairs add to the growing body of evidence that when hospitals acquire physician practices, the cost of care goes up. The big picture: Providers are increasingly practicing as part of hospital systems rather than independently, a trend that will likely continue to drive […]

WSJ: A City’s Only Hospital Cut Services. How Locals Fought Back.

By Brian Spegele April 11, 2021 When the only hospital in a small central Wyoming city stopped delivering babies and cut back on surgeries, local residents sought to start their own. The fight that ensued now stretches to Washington, and is shining an uncomfortable light on one of the country’s biggest hospital chains and its […]

Modern Healthcare: High prices fuel Massachusetts healthcare spending growth

By Alex Kacik March 25, 2021 While more care is shifting from inpatient to outpatient facilities across Massachusetts, that transition isn’t yielding the expected cost savings, new data show. Massachusetts hospital outpatient spending grew by 7.3% per Medicare beneficiary from 2018 to 2019, which was twice the rate of the national average, according to data from the […]